Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How Much Does a New Mobile PoS System Cost?

New Mobile PoS System

If you are wondering how much does a new mobile PoS system cost? Then you are in the right place. Nowadays, you can find the affordable PoS system more than ever. Different type of devices made it possible to Integrate Pos Systems For Your SmallBusinesses or if you are bootstrapping.

Let’s cut to the chase and put a light on the different kind of PoS systems and how much does it cost.

Mobile Payment Processors:

It provides you with the card readers that can be attached to the mobile or iPad and  Android tablet to swipe the cards. You will be charged around 1.75% to 2.75% commision per swipe. Some systems provide you with a monthly subscription model. Some of the systems include limited inventory and customer management tools. Receipt printers are available or you can also send an email to the customers.

Tablet PoS:

These kinds of PoS systems are becoming increasingly popular due to the availability of its hardware.  Those merchants who own a tablet, they just have to purchase a PoS system from the software provider. They will have to pay them on a subscription on a monthly basis.  Or involved party can mutually understand for the commission based system.

Online Point-of-Sale:

As the name suggests you don’t have to purchase any software for these PoS systems. Instead, you can connect to the online PoS system and access anytime when you require it with the internet connection. You can log into your account from any browser and your data is backed up in the cloud.

All in one PoS system:

These PoS systems are mostly touch screen terminals with connected PoS systems, cash registers, receipt printers, and a barcode scanner. You can acquire this PoS system in the cost of shipping and a monthly service fee.

Full-service PoS service:

The last and customizable option allows you to choose exactly what you want.  You can choose Hardware, software, and payment processing service to create your personalized solution. The starting cost for the terminal can start as low as $1500 and go high as $5000, depending on your requirement.

To recapitulate if you are a startup or established business it’s up to you which kind of PoS is best suited for your business. You can start from the lowest if don’t want to take any risk and then you can go upward.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Advantages of Integrating PoS system for the Grocery store

The latest advancement in the Point of sale system has leveraged a lot of small businesses. Especially, PoS for the small businesses is the talk of the town. Businesses now understand the need for the PoS systems and they value customers’ time. Moreover, installing a PoS system in a small business like a small grocery store proves to be a profitable venture.

Let's check out the benefits of installing a PoS system for the grocery store: 

Well, the latest PoS software for the grocery has innumerable advantages in comparison to those outdated cash register and old PoS systems.

Seamless cash management and checkout: 

The latest PoS System for the grocery store is used to record sales and financial information. Moreover, it also processes credit and debit card payments and collects detailed data about customers. The seamless checkout process is one added advantage of latest PoS software.

Inventory management system:

The grocery store owner will not have to worry about the shortage of stock. An effective inventory management system will track the record of the all the required stock hence, no more of extra stock will be wasted. Depending on the particular module, it may generate an alert when inventory levels reach to user-defined minimum values. In addition, it will re-order the stock based on this information.

Loss prevention

A small business PoS systems can act as a silent partner in decreasing shrink and incident of cash theft. PoS data can be cross-checked with the footage from the video surveillance systems enabling management to identify price-switching. Employees who are pocketing the cash or stealing it can also be known with efficient PoS systems.

Labor scheduling/time and attendance

Integrating Pos System Software in the Grocery will help in time and attendance solution makes it easy to enforce scheduling parameters. Hence, given the task to a particular employee can be monitored.

All in all, its wise decision to incorporate the Latest PoS system for the grocery store to enhance your business, fastest check out process and effective employee management system.   Click to View More Clutch - Client Reviews about Excellent WebWorld